Klara Pritz

Female 1847 -

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  • Name Klara Pritz  [1
    Born 1847  [1
    Gender Female 
    Person ID I176  Pritz Family Tree
    Last Modified 6 Jul 2016 

    Father Wolf Hirsch Pritz,   b. 1801, Demmelsdorf, Bamberg, Bavaria, Germany Find all individuals with events at this location,   d. 1884, Demmelsdorf, Bamberg, Bavaria, Germany Find all individuals with events at this location  (Age 83 years) 
    Relationship natural 
    Mother Karolina Golde Kirschbaum,   b. 1805, Demmelsdorf, Bamberg, Bavaria, Germany Find all individuals with events at this location,   d. 17 May 1883, Demmelsdorf, Bamberg, Bavaria, Germany Find all individuals with events at this location  (Age 78 years) 
    Relationship natural 
    Married 28 Mar 1843  Demmelsdorf, Bamberg, Bavaria, Germany Find all individuals with events at this location  [2, 3
    Family ID F46  Group Sheet  |  Family Chart

  • Albums
    Demmelsdorf Bavaria
    Demmelsdorf Bavaria (5)
    Documents and photos related to Demmelsdorf, Bavaria, Germany, and the ancestors from there.

  • Sources 
    1. [S29] Descendent charts for Koschmann Hajmann/Heimann & Hintel, Hand-written charts by the late Jack Heiman, Northbrook, IL.

    2. [S31] Jacob Heimann Family Collection, Volume MF1383, (Name: Leo Baeck Institute Archives;), AR 3462., Wolf Hirsch Britz and Karolina Golda Kirschbaum, Fanny Britz and Jacob Heimann, and children - Names and dates in marriage agreements and various contracts.

    3. [S44] Pritz genealogical collection of Benjamin Lionel Pritz, Miscellaneous historical and genealogical papers and charts concerning Pritz, Heineman, Butzel, Lowman, and Stix families.