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Rediscovering Our

Notes on ancestry, immigration,
and their lives in Cincinnati

by Bob Brodbeck, September 2010

Schierberg monument on the Joseph Schierberg family lot
in St. John's Cemetery in St. Bernard, Cincinnati.

An historical and genealogical investigation of the Schierberg family who emigrated from Neuenkirchen in the Grand Duchy of Oldenburg to the United States and Cincinnati in 1835. In addition to notes on ancestry, the book covers the Schierberg family from emigration through the death of the youngest immigrant sibling Catharine Schierberg Braunstein in 1906. A significant portion of the book details findings about the family places of business, a residence, and parish church pictured along the Cincinnati riverfront in the 1848 Cincinnati Panorama daguerreotypes by Fontayne & Porter, and includes images from the Panorama.

Available in two forms — Color 8" x 10" paperback book with glossy cover, or on CD in 8.5" x 11" Acrobat PDF format. Contains a total of 162 pages including cover and front pages, 132 pages of text and images, and 24 pages of genealogy reports and a Surname Index at the back of the book. Includes numerous whole or cropped images from historical documents, a number of them in color.

Sample page from the section on the Cincinnati Panorama.


The book as a book- Available in 8" x 10" format from the print-on-demand service of for $29 plus shipping and tax. Shipping cost will vary depending on shipping speed selected. Sales tax may be applicable depending on state.

Some may find the book format more convenient to read and easier to peruse. In addition the printed book may also be a nice item to pass around and hand down to the next generation. Effort has gone into providing images that are readily legible and viewable in this printed format.

To order proceed to the CreateSpace web page.

The book on CD - Available directly from the author for $19 (includes shipping, no tax). Allow three weeks for arrival after placing order.

The book is on the CD in 8.5" x 11" PDF format. Adobe Acrobat Reader will be needed to view the book. Some may find an advantage to this format in that you can zoom-in to an additional extent on the images. The CD also contains several extra charts and maps, and copies of historical documents as separate files (PDF or JPG).

You can order the CD via PayPal
(single copy at a time)

  OR   Mail a check for $19 each made out to Bob Brodbeck.
Mail to:
Bob Brodbeck
3310 Lambert Place
Cincinnati, OH 45208

Riverfront Locations: A single-page PDF showing where on the present-day Cincinnati riverfront the businesses and a residence of the Schierberg immigrant family were located. Contains a current satellite image of the riverfront with an overlay from a 19th Century map. NOTE: File is 6 MB.


Support the Public Library - And have a photographic family heirloom from the 1848 Cincinnati Panorama. Proceeds benefit the Library Foundation. Beautiful archival quality duotone prints are available for each of the eight plates of the Panorama for $30. Each print fits perfectly in a 16" x 20" wide-matt frame with an 11" x 14" opening. Such frames are available at reasonable prices at stores such as Target and Michael's arts & crafts stores. For example this is available from Target. A set of postcards, each card measuring 5½" × 8½", containing plates 1-4 are also available for $10.00

Pictured to the left are framed prints of plates 3 and 4 from the Panorama hanging in the stairwell at the auhor's house.

Links to Online Resources for the 1848 Cincinnati Panorama – A page of links for viewing and background information on this "national treasure.".

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Copyright © Robert T. Brodbeck, 2010-2013